- Improve the wellbeing and health of people in situations of transition or experimenting stress
- Gain new abilities and create a positive state of mind
- Experiment greater peace favoring personal fulfilment and professional performance
- Easily access and trigger personal ressources by developing a unique quality of attention
Practicing active Meditation and its specific perspectives applied to the employees’ needs in terms of wellbeing and performance
Return to simplicity throught the pratice of silence
Hear the noise inside oneself and take a step back
Disponibility; Welcoming; Openness; Clarity
- 8 Sessions – 8 to 12 persons
- Lenght: 1h30 – 12 h of Training
- 2 sessions per month / 4 months
- Any person in search of efficient methods and tools, and eager to disciver the pratice of meditation applied to a professionnal environment
- Persons in charge of managing collaborators in difficult contexts
- Employees in a state of stress, presenting a burnout syndrom or likely to experiment psychosocio risk factors
- Decision makers, Leaders, Talents , Managers , Project Teams
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They lived the experience